Blood Type Examination
At your arrival at the D’Adamo Institute you will be greeted by our staff and led to your first initial examination – which usually lasts approximately three hours.
During this time a nurse will take a sample of your blood prior to your appointment with one of the doctors. This will determine your blood type, A1’s, H1’s, Rh factor and sub blood type. Then you will be given a thorough examination by a licensed Doctor which includes checking your heart and blood pressure, blood type analysis, sub-blood group analysis, iris analysis, pulse analysis and muscle assessment.
The clinic director, Dr. Robert Medrek, was personally trained by the clinic founder Dr. James L. D’Adamo and follows the same protocol and standards.
Blood Type Analysis

Sub-blood Group
Parents pass on a sub-blood type to their child. Sometimes there can also be an influence from the grandparents’ blood types. This sub-blood group gives infinitely more information about an individual’s needs on a physical, emotional and intellectual level, therefore providing a deeper understanding of the body’s requirements. Current research at the D’Adamo Institute delves into examining the implications of customizing and individualizing diet proving the importance and relevance of sub-blood types.

Muscle Assessment

Our muscle assessment program allows us to determine whether your body’s muscles are properly balanced and structurally aligned. Gravitational pull should always be through the center of the body to the feet. Because of poor posture, this may not occur – thus causing structural stress on various organs, muscles, ligaments, etc.
Pulse diagnosis

Iris Analysis

Every cell, tissue and organ connected to the brain transmits information through the nervous system to the iris. Past illnesses and even inherited weakness all leave their marks on an individual’s iris. Iridology, therefore, is an important tool in assessing a patient’s overall health. More advanced than most accepted methods of iridology, our technique is based on The Institute’s discovery that the interpretation of the iris is like a mathematical equation. The Institute’s proprietary proven method allows us to interpret the different indicators and provide a full, accurate assessment of your body’s strengths and weaknesses. Our method is unlike the method used by any other clinic in the world.
Based on the results of these diagnostics the Naturopath then creates an individualized menu, a personalized exercise program, and a prescription of supplements designed to strengthen the areas of weakness in your body. A variety of treatments to assist in detoxifying and balancing your system during the healing process may also be suggested.
Each new patient receives a package of information which includes:
- A copy of Dr. D’Adamo’s book for a better understanding of your personal blood type and
- A Program Manual to assist with the start of your new lifestyle.
Two weeks after the first visit, you’ll return to meet with one of the naturopaths to discuss progress and assess progression with the program and allow for needed adjustments. After your progress check-up, a support counselor will meet with you to address any concerns or questions and provide help and support to maximize the benefits of your individualized program. This can be conducted either in-person or over the phone and is included at no additional charge to help support you on your road to optimal health.
A year from now you'll have wished you started today.
You’re Not Alone. We Are Here to Help!
The institute is located at: 44 Bridge St, Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: (603) 430-7600